Committed to the Environment:

At @patterson.travel, we continue working to minimize our environmental impact as a primary goal in our environmental management policy. Following our strategic line in 2023, we have taken actions to reduce our contribution to climate change in the following ways: in the Barcelona office, we have reduced paper consumption by 72% compared to the previous year, and in the Madrid office, electricity consumption during the second half of the year has decreased by 63% compared to the first half.

In our day-to-day operations, we work to maximize the optimization of natural resource usage, the reduction, and proper management of waste generated during our activities, as well as promoting environmental awareness among our staff. To maintain greater environmental control, we keep a dashboard that allows us to facilitate the control and monitoring of environmental indicators such as water consumption, electricity consumption, and waste generation.

Additionally, we continue collaborating with sustainability projects such as the Travel Advisors Forest, an environmental initiative through which 800 trees have been planted in Alozaina (Málaga) with the contribution of Travel Advisors Guild and its Community. The CO2 absorption of these trees is estimated at 244,000 kg over the next 50 years, in addition to increasing the natural heritage and forest area of the region, helping to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Caring for the environment is everyone's responsibility.

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